Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Who wants to do extra CIP?

Hello 1T08!!! Kai Shun here :)

I have a cip on hand and I'm helping my friend to recruit. This event is being organised by Citibank n YMCA. The event would most likely be held on 4 August 2007 (Saturday). There will be a total cip hour claim of 6 hrs but you would most likely be at the event for 4 hrs +. This event is a charity event so you would be trying to sell keychain-pens on that day or helping out at the booth. All proceeds of this event would be given to Club Rainbow(Singapore) which is the beneficiary of this event.

Venue would most likely be at Orchard Rd with a booth being set up there. So, if your are interested, your can contact me through msn or call/sms me at 91132502. You can pull along your other friends to do this cip too :) They too will be able to get the cip too. Or perhaps we can make this another class CIP? So Audrey, if you are reading this post, would you give it a thought about it? Haha XD

Anyway, this is voluntary. So if you're not interested also nvm lah. But I'll need to confirm before 7 July so do give me a reply before then :) So, take care and hmmph, study hard? Lol

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