Friday, June 8, 2007

Soaking Up The Sun In Canberra

HELLO 1T08! KRYSTAL here! Sorry that I never contribute anything to the class blog cos my Blogger is in Japanese! Plus the fact that I'm too lazy to type out a post! Anyhoos, I wrote a post on my sis blog (she was away on LTC and made me her guest blogger! haha!) regarding out class CIP! So... I shall copy and paste the whole damn thing! Ok, here it goes:

With regards to the previous post, I realised I may have been a wee bit nasty. Was feeling tired after travelling (by BUS okay!) all by myself to and from Bukit Panjang for class CIP you see. Plus the fact that I had to wake up early the next day (5.30am!)... Anyways, SYU the eediotz kind of made me smile with her stupid antics on the tagboard. Posing as some Mysterious lover who lurbbeexx mooii alotxz! Heh!

So anyway, my class had planned a CIP activity today! Travelled to Canberra (not in Australia, mind you!) Primary School in the land of Far Far Away. i.e. Sembawang! Basically, our CIP activity was to be volunteers at a day camp for children... The thing is that I have a feeling that these children were problem kids. After a whole day (0800-1600!!) with the children, I realised that they can be classified into 2 main groups. They are:-

1) The hyperactive, fidgety, and extremely mischievous type who seems to be perpetually high on sugar; enjoys pretending to be Warrior Boy (yes! some bugger went around proclaiming that he was one!) and engaging in fist fights to show who's the boss. Also suffers from ADD/ADHD and is violent in nature. Surprisingly, despite being all action packed, they resembled Rolie Polie Olie!

2) The extreme opposite of Type 1. Quiet and passive, they follow orders (sit here, stand there, shut up etc.) but is too shy to do anything else. Suffers from a bad case of stuttering and low self-esteem.

Well, after registration and all, there were only a a pathetic group of... 12 children! So we got them sorted into smaller groups and I was the facilitator for 3 of them. Because my brain was a little jammed up, I couldn't help think of a proper group name... and thus had to settle for the name ''DAREDEVIL''! And the helpful little guy even thought up of a cheer that went something like this: Daredevil, Daredevil,We Are Number One! We will eat you up and beat you with blood in our hands etc. I know! It's like...OMGWTFBBQ?!?! Naturally, it was rejected which must have broke his heart! Haha... The rest of the day whizzed by in a blur as we played about a hundred lame games in the sun such as Whacko, some Spider Web thing, trying to walk blindfolded without stepping on water bombs (those lil' cheats!) blah get the picture. And this cute Lilliputian actually cried as he stepped on a water bomb unintentionally!

The highlight of the day were, you guessed it, the water bombs (and Joanna saying NA-BEH! in front of the everyone)! All of them could hardly contain their excitement and were delirious at the sight of them. Things kind of got out of hand and chaotic as we played the Dog & Bone game with the water bombs. This repulsive little simian actually threw 3 at my face and neck at a close range! Curse You! Of course I could not squish him with my thumb for fear of being reported for animal abuse. Wah laozz... I still very pissed off ok! Was soaking wet after that due to that nasty critter and the fact that while trying to burst the water bombs at my friends, the water splashed on me. Twice. What a loser! Must be bad karma!

The food was equally horrible (yellow noodles with prawns, rice with cabbage and rubber chicken) but I suppose you can't expect too much since we didn't pay any money. And I was reminded of the fact that I'm allergic to shellfish i.e. prawns, crab, LOBSTER etc! Bleddy shite! You know what that means??? It means that even if I steal a nano-sized bite of something with shellfish, my lips will will turn red, swell and rot (ok, i'm exaggerating!). All in a matter of minutes! Luckily I managed to find out the problem! So the allergic reaction is currently contained at the lips... Imagine if it did not, I may end up looking like some freak! This is sooo depressing (an emo moment here)!

Oh wells... Anyway, the kids in my group were the most well-behaved (as 2 out of 3 of them were of Type 2)and won the prize for the Most Co-operative Group! There was even a prize called the Good Progress Award (?!)! And this guy (the one who thought of the group name and the rejected cheer) actually wanted to treat us to drinks as he was feeling generous! $5.80 is a lotta money y'know!! And they were sooo thrilled at their prizes and goodie bags (cheap made-in-China stationary)... Hmm... Which made me think of the past when I was still in primary school. Easily contented, cute and innocent! HAH!

So... I guess I will have to say goodbye tomorrow as Hannah dearest will be coming home! HANNAH IS NOT DEAD ok!! My momma actually wanted to check is she was still alive on the 1st night! But I told her not to!

Have some faith la! LOL!


Ok! There it is! Hmm... I suppose I could give you the link to my sis blog so that you can read the 3 posts that I wrote in there... Then again... Maybe NOT! Haha...

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