Saturday, October 27, 2007

Share your pictures!

Hey T08, our year has come to an end. Majority of us are just left with Chinese and Project Work. So let us bond together and relish our wonderful memories shall we? Share your pics here so everyone in the class can see the special moments which we spent together. Take this as a tribute to those who are not promoting up with us next year :(

And Ben, is it possible to burn a CD/DVD of pictures during our entire year? I think you can get the money from the class fund if possible. If there isn't enough, maybe you can start collecting from the class. I believe that will be the best gift for the class for this year :) Sorry to trouble you on that

Darren and me during J1 grad day on 23/10/07

Darren and Sharon on J1 grad day too :)

Mrs Leong's birthday on 10/10/07
(PS: Look at Audrey's eyes!!! Looks like it has some evil vibes of aura in it)

Mrs Leong's birthday on 10/10/07
(Look at the horrendous mess that was left behind due to the evil nature of the fork's action :P)

Kian How & me after a day of his stitch
(Think he was looking at girls while playing football so he didn't concentrate and clashed into another guy which resulted in that horrendous scar of his)

Darren & me on NDP celebrations 8/9/07
(Remember his size S fitting t-shirt? Lol. Was really tight and errr sexy?)

New fashion trend set by me & the guys followed
Nice tucked in t-shirts with pants hanging at the ribs :)
Looks stupid but the guys know the agenda for this set by me
So if you wanna know more, ask the guys. hehe

Shirleen & me on a bus going to NUS for bridge competition :)

Evadne, Audrey & me on mid summers night show
This was the day which we had our cip @ canberra pri meeting too

This was the day where the girls jumped and hoppppppped
while taking a classic pic during our school's sport carnival
Watch Ziling's pink socks & Audrey's green socks :) Absolutely colourful :P

Of course there are many more pics, but there are far too many to share for myself. So why don't you guys add down some nice pics too and share it with the class? These are special memories which we will relish on in the future. So cmon, what are you waiting for? Join and share those wonderful pics now!!!!

  • Exam date is on 29 Oct for some sotongs who do not know
  • Report to school by 7.40am
  • Wear full school uniform
  • Venue I'm not so sure because Mr Vincent Chong said he didn't know where was the venue for chinese exam. Lame right? But if I find out, I'll inform everyone. Hence or otherwise, please turn up earlier on that day to check out the venue
I know this is very disturbing :/ But I have no choice :(
But I'll delete this portion of the message after the chinese exam >.<

Kai Shun

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