Saturday, August 4, 2007


ok i shall now pretend to be Yiling.

HIEZ GUYZOS!!! Yiling here! I was recently very proud of one of our classmates and did an entry on it in my blog, and I'm here to share that with the rest of you!

[Current Mood: impressed]
I'm so proud of Leonard. He passed his 2.4!!!
From a retarded 24 minutes to a 13.14minutes okay!
Many thanks to... Ziling, Evadne and I who ran with him. (:
Haha, I was like yelling at him at the top of my voice to get him to move his ass.
Evadne told him she would bite his butt if he walked. Hahahaha.
And he sprinted all the way to the finishing line. Kewlness.
Some girls in the class, especially Lauren, couldn't accept the fact that he ran faster than her.
I'm so proud of Leonard! (:

Ok yiling's gone now. i hope they'll let us play games from now on! we've been short-changed you know! THEY LIED TO US! =C and you know there's a possibility we may win fittest class or something. cause we have DAMN alot of golds! omg i should go study ok bye. SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE UPDATE!

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