Wednesday, March 5, 2008


hello all!

as i write this post, we're almost done with common tests. it's only econs left! but then again, we cannot leave out the events of the rest of the year. as it's only once in our lifetime (even more rare than a leap year), we have to make sure the 08/08/08 class outing goes well!(in fact the difference has to be 1000 years. alright just a thought.) i'd like to start early in the planning stages now by asking for suggestions, so we have a great deal of time before the date reaches. more time to plan = less room for error and i'm sure all of you want this to go well :)

firstly, simple rules we will want to stick to:

1) EVERYONE MUST COME. no matter how busy you are, MAKE TIME FOR OUR BELOVED CLASS! another simple reason why i started planning this early is to give you SUPER ADVANCE NOTICE so you have NO REASON not to go. check your schedules and rearrange! :)

2) EVERYONE HAS TO MAKE A SELECTION! if we hang around with 'i'm okay with anything' or 'anything also can', the decision is not going to be good. even if you think others may not like it, SUGGEST! you never know if we decide on your idea. after all everyone has a voice in this. so, at least agree with an already-made selection or think up your own! :)

alright i'm going to start the ball rolling by giving ONE suggestion. for the rest of you, please add your selections on the tagboard please! (whoops i just realised only the author of the post can edit it! :D)

BEN--SENTOSA! without a doubt. we can play ultimate beach frisbee, volleyball or go race down the kart thingy! i mean, even sitting on the beach is so relaxing. people who wanna go swimming can, others can ride bikes, or if you're a bit insane, visit underwater world again and again XD (after all jeslyn has a discount, i think.) the only thing about going to sentosa is that it's probably a bit costlier than if we visit other mainstream places (e.g watching movies or having meals). but that's where the fun is! mainstream is BOOORING. hmm actually if we want to save a bit of money, we can turn it into a pot-luck picnic! omg the thought is already killing me. support support support! :D this idea is supported by JESLYN, SARAH AND SHARON.

PIONG--CLUB MED BINTAN (forty-five minutes away from singapore!) this is becoming a more popular decision, although we have to calculate and work our prices. it'll be one hell of a class outing if it's successful because it's somewhere no one has ever gone. but then again, we have to do some reading up so as to know where to go and what to do to maximise our time there. we can probably make it a 3D2N thing since the weekend is right after 08/08/08. this is definitely an IDEAL class outing but can it be done? (whoops sorry about the GP XD) not many parents would allow, and then again the issue of whose parent should go along comes into play. i have a bad feeling that it's not easy to be granted permission from our pops, but who knows? we gotta try. this idea is supported by AUDREY.

DAWN--PARIS (no, not the pornstar cum crap singer, the country. and tickets are around $2000?)

MR MARK LI--OLD 1T08 CLASSROOM (convenient and super budget XD)

KAI SHUN--DOWNTOWN EAST. Activities may be a little bit similar to sentosa. But there is a myriad of activities there that aren't available in sentosa. Basically, the activities that can be held are similar to sentosa. We can also hold a mini-picnic there or even a bbq. After those activities (e.g. cycling, blading, swimming, beach volleyball, build sandcastles etc.), we can go to escape theme park or wild wild wet [but apparently, the cost may be deterring to some]. In any case if we are not holding a bbq but a picnic in the afternoon, we can go to fisherman's village. The seafood there is really good. For avid fishers, fishing is also an activity that you can take part in too :)

those who have not supported a decision/created one, your name will appear here. please suggest asap! :)










as a message to all of you, don't hesitate to give ideas! if you have ideas on impulse, it's fine, and the crazier they are, the more fun we'll have so just whack! anyway we're in the brainstorming stage so each and every idea is worth talking about. what are you waiting for? give suggestions! :)
